Membership Renewal

You now have the option to either renew your LAG membership online.  You do not have to have a Pay Pal account and can pay with a credit card.  If you wish to pay by check please fill out the form below and send the check with your form.

Membership Renewal Form (pdf, 90K)

This is also a good time to confirm or update your information in the LAG membership list. The membership list is our primary source of addresses, phone numbers, email, etc. to keep you up to date on LAG news and events. Please, send your payment and current information on the form to update your information.

We are a volunteer staffed organization and cannot emphasize enough the importance of volunteers in all areas of the Louisville Artisans Guild. We need help in everything from chairing committees to help with mailings and newsletters.You can find a listing of opportunities in the" Membership Renewal Form" if you click the purple link above.  If you are interested in an area not listed, tell us about it! Are you looking for a way to increase your visibility as a skilled artisan?  Juried members can participate in our Annual Exhibit and Holiday Showcase.  

Membership Type
E-mail Address